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Restoring Your Smile with Atlanta Prosthodontics Atlanta, GA

Restoring Your Smile with Atlanta Prosthodontics

A happy mature after dental restoration treatment showing perfect teeth in his smile.

They might say eyes are the window to the soul, but a smile is one of the first ways we communicate with other people. From the first gummy grins of infancy, all the way up to the beaming delight reserved especially for grandchildren, smiling is a way to wordlessly communicate joy and happiness. When life happens in a way that causes tooth loss or significant damage, the shame is no laughing matter. Learning to cover your mouth or, worse, stop smiling altogether, robs you of the ability to express your joy freely.

What if you could go back to a time when your smile was whole, gleaming and full of happiness? With the right Atlanta prosthodontics expert, you can.

What is Prosthodontics?

Just like areas of specialty medicine, there are areas of specialty within dentistry. Prosthodontics is a specialized branch of dental care focused on the restoration of missing or damaged teeth. This includes everything from classic dentures and partials you may already be familiar with, but also things like cutting-edge dental implants. Dentists specializing in Atlanta prosthodontics pursue an additional three years of training to ensure their expertise in navigating this vital dental specialty.

Restoring your ability to smile without shame or fear of judgment can have a genuinely life-changing impact. With prosthodontics, more than the appearance of your teeth is restored; for many people, it’s also a restoration of confidence and peace.

Why You Need an Expert in Prosthodontics

You already know dentists specializing in prosthodontics receive additional, highly-focused training. The truth is, that training isn’t always as effective as it could be when dentists don’t also focus on periodontics. Gum disease and damage are a leading cause of tooth loss in the first place, and you cannot build a strong house on a weak foundation. Your gums are the foundation of any prosthodontics work you might undertake, so it’s wise to work with a particularly knowledgeable dentist specializing in both tooth restoration and gum health support.

Dr. Grodin holds a dual specialty in periodontics and prosthodontics, giving him the ability to address every spot on your journey to a confident, happy smile. Call or contact Dr. Grodin’s office today to learn more about how prosthodontics can change the way you live, give you back your smile and boost your confidence.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Evan Grodin

3280 Howell Mill Rd NW, Suite 327
Atlanta, GA 30327

FAX: (470) 451-0982

Monday - Thursday: 8:30am – 4:30pm



Northwest Medical Center

3280 Howell Mill Rd NW, Suite 327
Atlanta, GA 30327

Phone: (470) 451-0981

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8:30am – 4:30pm

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