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Gum Contouring for a Better Smile Atlanta, GA

Gum Contouring for a Better Smile

Gums and Teeth Model

Some popular celebrities are known for their wide, engaging smiles. Some of them have “gummy smiles” – there is quite a bit of gum showing when they smile. This is almost a hallmark for these celebrities, just as a gap between the front teeth is for others. At the same time, there are individuals who are not pleased with the amount of gum tissue that shows when they smile.

Excess gum tissue can make your teeth seem small and stubby. Contouring the gums can rectify the issue, make your teeth seem longer and balance the look of your smile. For dental patients who consider their smile too “gummy,” this procedure can alter your appearance and produce a more appealing smile.

Should You Consider Gum Contouring?

For the most part, gum contouring is considered a cosmetic dental procedure when there are no underlying dental problems that make it desirable. It is also often part of periodontal treatment when disease has affected the gums, and reconstructive work or regeneration of gum tissue is necessary to restore oral health. In this situation, the procedure is used to reduce the pockets generated by gum disease and help induce healthy growth of new gum tissue.

As a cosmetic procedure, gum contouring is effective for correcting uneven gums. Instead of a smile that shows an inordinate amount of gum tissue, more of the crowns of the teeth will show. Gum contouring produces a more balanced, aesthetically pleasing look.

What Leads to Uneven Gums?

Excessive gum tissue can also be caused by certain medical conditions and prescription medications, as well as gum disease. Genetics is also a factor for some individuals. Gum contouring corrects the problem of excessive overgrowth and restores a healthier environment to the mouth.

Excessive gum tissue can create problems of plaque buildup and create an oral environment where bacteria accumulate, causing dental decay and gum disease. Gum contouring helps eliminate or treat periodontal problems effectively.

An Effective Solution for Gum Overgrowth

There are many tissues in the body that are regenerative. Gum tissue is not among them. Gum contouring is a permanent procedure. Although medical conditions and certain prescription drugs can cause gum overgrowth, contouring helps keep your gums from developing the problems caused by this condition.

If you have a gummy smile, uneven gums or periodontal disease, contact Dr. Evan Grodin. With gum contouring, you will regain a beautiful smile. Call today to schedule an appointment with us.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Evan Grodin

3280 Howell Mill Rd NW, Suite 327
Atlanta, GA 30327

FAX: (470) 451-0982

Monday - Thursday: 8:30am – 4:30pm



Northwest Medical Center

3280 Howell Mill Rd NW, Suite 327
Atlanta, GA 30327

Phone: (470) 451-0981

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8:30am – 4:30pm

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